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Use this tool to search for the scientific production of your institution.

Insert in the form below the name(s) of your institution(s).

Press to add more institutions and to remove.

This tool uses the Institution ( .in ) field to identify the institutions you want to research for scientific production. The Institution ( .in ) field contains the primary author's affiliation, which is usually the source for a reprint of the article.

This information is available for most documents since 1988. Beginning in 1996, the primary author's email address will also be included, if present in the journal.

Ovid’s Byline Text ( .bt ) field contains miscellaneous information about contributors to a book. Information about grants, dates of publisher acceptance, etc. may be included in this field.

The Byline Text ( .bt ) field is Word indexed. Ovid’s Byline Text ( .bt ) field allows you to search across the Full Text of all articles and retrieve information that might be missing in the record’s metadata.

With Ovid’s Byline Text users would be able to have much more precise results for their searches whenever it’s vital information on the PDFs or Full Text notes, footers, additional information, etc…

In this example below, we can see that Ovid Journals and databases refer to University of Cardiff on over 400 articles, where there is no mention for this University within the records’ metadata but only in the Full Text:

If you need a personalized Scientific Production widget for your institution(s), please don’t hesitate to contact us.