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Ovid Tools & Resources Portal

Welcome to the JBI Resource Center

This site provides many support and training options to you as a JBI member.

There are pre-recorded training videos for the JBI database and tools. You can view these videos directly from this webpage or, copy the video links for your own site.

There are also a range of intuitive JBI manuals and Ovid quick reference cards available for direct download.

The Ovid Support team can help to simplify the access to your JBI subscription by offering a selection of personalised JBI portals and widgets for your specific institution.

If you have any questions or requests, please don't hesitate to contact Ovid Support team.

Curated JBI content and expert searches to support you in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Choose your JBI Database version to ensure the links and search widget are compatible with your JBI subscription:

Contact Ovid Support with any questions and requests including training sessions via webinar.

Search JBI on Ovid

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JBI COVID-19 Special Collection

This free access Special Collection provides health professionals and health organisations with the best available evidence on infection prevention and infection control measures.

Basic Hand Hygiene: Health Professionals [Recommended Practice]

Hand Hygiene Compliance: Interventions in Healthcare Settings [Evidence Summary]

Hand Hygiene in Hospitals: Alcohol-Based Solutions [Evidence Summary]

Hand Hygiene: Indications and General Principles in Primary, Community and Acute Healthcare Settings [Evidence Summary]

Hand Hygiene: Monitoring Technology [Evidence Summary]

Infection Transmission (Healthcare Workers): Aprons and Gowns [Evidence Summary]

Respiratory Infection Transmission (Community): Face Masks and Respirators [Evidence Summary]

Respiratory Infection Transmission (Healthcare Workers): Face Masks and Respirators [Evidence Summary]

Training Videos

The following JBI tutorials are available for the Ovid platform.

Watch videos directly from this site or set links to the videos in your own webpage.

Click on the icon to see more information about each tool.

Please note that JBI SUMARI training is conducted by JBI in Adelaide, Australia and may incur a charge.

JBI EBP Database

Introducing the JBI EBP Database

Beyond the Search: Maximizing the Quality of Systematic Reviews

JBI EBP Software

JBI SUMARI Tutorials


JBI PACES Overview

JBI PACES Tutorial

JBI Software

JBI SUMARI software facilitates the entire systematic review process from protocol to report, and includes team and contributor management for effective and efficient collaboration.


JBI SUMARI Knowledgebase

JBI SUMARI software tutorials

JBI SUMARI Introduction & Demonstration

JBI Systematic Reviews

JBI publishes completed and in process Systematic Reviews in the JBI Database and Journal.

Browse JBI Evidence Synthesis Journal

JBI EBP database (content examples)

Systematic Review Methodology

JBI Systematic Reviews YouTube Playlist
A collection of videos relating to systematic reviews, including methodology, approaches and tips

JBI Manual for Evidence Synthesis - 2024 Edition
For author guidance on conducting systematic and scoping reviews in evidence synthesis. Each chapter is devoted to the synthesis of different types of evidence to address different types of clinical and policy-related questions.

JBI Software

JBI PACES software supports quality improvement projects for better patient care. JBI PACES provides an all-in-one solution that includes project setup, data collection and analysis, facilitating the process of change and applying evidence in practice.


JBI PACES Knowledgebase

JBI PACES software tutorials

JBI PACES Introduction & Demonstration

JBI Evidence Implementation Journal

Theory informed and pragmatically focused, publishing case studies and papers from diverse clinical, cultural and socioeconomic contexts that address the science and practice of evidence implementation into healthcare policy and practice.

Browse Journal

JBI Manual for Evidence Implementation

The JBI Manual for Evidence Implementation is intended to provide an overview of JBI-endorsed approaches to getting evidence into practice. There are many different approaches that can be used to implement evidence into healthcare or community settings. This manual covers some of the approaches utilized within JBI that can inform clinicians striving to get evidence into practice.

JBI Manual for Evidence implementation

When reliability matters, better evidence leads to better outcomes.        Latest JBI database updates

As a point of care resource, the JBI EBP Database…

Content that supports Point of Care

  • Each Recommended Practice (RP) has supporting evidence that was developed using JBI’s standards for quality and reliability
  • Each Evidence Summary (ES) and RP is subject to double peer review
  • Each ES and RP is regularly updated to include the latest evidence

Click here to download JBI EBP Database PDF content examples.

Click Getting Research into Practice - Evidence at the Point of care
This YouTube presentation by Dr Kylie Porritt provides an overview to help healthcare professionals with evidence-informed decision-making at the point-of-care.

Rates highly for:

  • Evidence-based methodology (quality control)
  • Breadth and volume (content amount and diversity)
  • Editorial quality (rigor and transparency of methods)

Rates highly across key metrics for quality:

  • JBI is in the top three providers for nursing care
  • JBI is ranked equal first for:
    • Content presentation
    • Clinically useful recommendations
    • Implementation support
    • Editorial quality
    • Connection to audit tools
    • Evidence-Based methodology

Reference: Campbell et all, 2015. Evidence-based practice point of care resources: a quantitative evaluation of quality, rigor and content. Worldviews on Evidence-based Nursing; 12;6;313-27

Landing Pages

Access all JBI resources from a single convenient landing page, containing any or all of the following tools and features:

  • Search widget for the JBI EBP Database, including publication type limits.
  • EXpert Search links for frequently required searches.
  • Links to user guides and training videos.
  • Branding with your instititutional logo and link to your webpage.

View a demonstration JBI landing page

If this page is suitable you can begin using it immediately, or contact Ovid Technical Support to discuss a custom landing page.


Embed a JBI EBP Database search widget in your library intranet, to make your website a more effective EBP research tool.

Download the HTML code to set the widget in your own webpage, or simply access the search widget via the link provided.

JBI EBP Database widget

Search the JBI EBP Database, with limits to publication types and subject area nodes. Or leave the search box blank to browse a list of citations from any publication type or subject area.

Link                   Download Code

JBI Aged Care Database widget

Search the JBI Aged Care Database with limits to publication types, or leave the search box blank to browse a list of citations from any publication type.

Also includes icons for the most relevant JBI EBP Software in the Aged Care environment, including JBI Manual Builder.

Link                   Download HTML

Ovid Technical and Customer Support

Contact our Technical Support and Customer Service Specialists [email protected]

Ovid Training Department

Contact our Training Department [email protected]

About JBI

JBI is an independent, international, not-for-profit research and development organisation based in the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Adelaide, South Australia.

Healthcare professionals, managers, educators and students from the fields of nursing, allied health, medicine, information science and the health sciences can now strive to improve health outcomes and provide the highest quality care to patients using one of the world’s leading evidence-based practice (EBP) organizations – available exclusively on Ovid!

A complete list of JBI short courses is now available.

Find your nearest JBI collaborating center, here.

JBI EBP Resources offer:

  • Point of care content and tools that will help your institution implement EBP.
  • Systematic reviews, recommended practices, evidence summaries, and more.
  • Evidence to inform clinical practice derived from JBI's Global Collaborating Centres of Excellence in 40+ countries.
  • Summarized research evidence in a format that is easy to locate, understand, and distribute to your staff.
  • High-quality resources designed for busy professionals who need to evaluate current evidence quickly.
  • Resources designed to help assess the quality of research.
  • Systematic review software that supports different review types.