Focused Searches

Focused Searches

APA PsycINFO Searches

Focused Searches on OvidGO! are designed to make database searches discoverable, accessible and actionable.

For more information, check our FAQ. If your question is not addressed there, please do not hesitate to contact us.

APA PsycInfo

APA PsycInfo on Ovid – Knowledge Discovery through Cross Referencing

How to locate tests and measures in APA PsycTests(R) from a reference in APA PsycInfo.

APA PsycInfo <1806 to Present>

Ovid Training Team



APA PsycInfo

APA PsycInfo on Ovid – Single versus Group Fields (.mp Searching)

How to construct searches using either a user defined group of fields or the database specific ‘multi-purpose’ (.mp) set of fields as provided by Ovid.

APA PsycInfo <1806 to Present>

Ovid Training Team



APA PsycInfo

APA PsycInfo on Ovid – Refining Searches Systematically (Limits)

How to fine tune individual search lines as well as whole search queries using user-selected criteria, called ‘limits’.

APA PsycInfo <1806 to Present>

Ovid Training Team



APA PsycInfo

APA PsycInfo on Ovid – Limiting Searches To Time Spans (Date Range Searching)

How to limit searches to spans of time from complete years or parts of years to user-defined time frames covering years, weeks or days.

APA PsycInfo <1806 to Present>

Ovid Training Team

