Climate Change Search Filters - 99% sensitivity cutoff
1. Air quality
exp Fires/ or exp Particulate Matter/ or exp Air Pollution/ or exp Smoke/ or (wildfire* or PM10 or PM 10 or PM2 or air pollution or air quality or "PM 2.5" or ozone or weather or pollutant* or humid* or ambient or asthma).ti,ab.
Click < here > to run in Ovid MEDLINE ALL <1946 to Present>.
2. Extreme weather events
Floods/ or Cyclonic Storms/ or exp Disasters/ or exp Climate/ or (river* or hurricane* or flood* or disaster* or drought* or weather or rainfall*).ti,ab.
Click < here > to run in Ovid MEDLINE ALL <1946 to Present>.
3. Food supply and safety
Child Nutrition Disorders/ or Cholera/ or exp Rain/ or exp Food Supply/ or Droughts/ or exp Salmonella Infections/ or exp Foodborne Diseases/ or Food Microbiology/ or Seasons/ or (salmonellos* or stunt* or drought* or underweight or foodborne or malnutrition or weather or salmonella*).ti,ab.
Click < here > to run in Ovid MEDLINE ALL <1946 to Present>.
4. Heat stress
Extreme Heat/ or exp Heat Stress Disorders/ or exp Hot Temperature/ or Seasons/ or exp Climate/ or (daily mortality or heat wave* or heat related or extreme heat or heatwave* or weather or meteorologic* or ambient temperature* or climate change or air pollution or summer* or climate* or hot or high temperature* or ambient).ti,ab.
Click < here > to run in Ovid MEDLINE ALL <1946 to Present>.
5. Vector distribution and ecology
Rain/ or Climate/ or Insect Vectors/ or Climate Change/ or Seasons/ or transmission.fs. or Disease Outbreaks/ or (rain* or mosquito* or climat* or humi* or borne or endemic* or epidemic* or fever or vector* or surveillan*).ti,ab.
Click < here > to run in Ovid MEDLINE ALL <1946 to Present>.
6. Water quality and quantity
Cholera/ or Floods/ or exp Vibrio cholerae/ or Water Microbiology/ or exp Water Supply/ or exp Disasters/ or exp Climate/ or (heavy rain* or waterborne or rainfall* or flood* or diarrh* or cholera* or season*).ti,ab.
Click < here > to run in Ovid MEDLINE ALL <1946 to Present>.
See also the same search but in the line-by-line format:
exp Vibrio cholerae/
Water Microbiology/
exp Water Supply/
exp Disasters/
exp Climate/
heavy rain*.ti,ab.
Click < here > to run in Ovid MEDLINE ALL <1946 to Present>.
Primary: Maria-Inti Metzendorf
Secondary: Ina Monsef
Review Date: 2025-03-25
Expiry Date: 2026-03-25
Original search produced by:
Development and validation of PubMed and Ovid MEDLINE search filters for exposure pathways linking climate change with human health
Maria-Inti Metzendorf, Ina Monsef, Katherine Jones, L Susan Wieland, Heidrun Janka, Camila Escobar Liquitay, Denise Thomson
medRxiv 2024.06.07.24308606; doi:
Supplementary Material (Appendicies 1 - 3)
(Note: This article is a preprint and has not been peer-reviewed [what does this mean?]. It reports new medical research that has yet to be evaluated and so should not be used to guide clinical practice.)
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