Focused Searches

Smoke Inhalation Injury - Ovid MEDLINE

Focused Searches by Topic: Natural Disasters & Public Health


Ovid Training Team


131 visits


This search locates records about smoke inhalation injury and related topics.

The ADJ or Adjacency operator allows you to locate words or phrases which are close together, and therefore in a relevant context. The adj4 operator finds where a word occurs within 3 words of another. The NOT operator is used to remove unwanted records – but also perhaps removes relevant materials. A record discussing how attending a bushfire is like smoking a packet of cigarettes would be removed by this strategy.

Search Stategy

smoke inhalation injury/ or burns inhalation/ or ((smoke and Inhalation) adj4 injur*).mp. or (smoke and inhal*).mp.

exp Smoking/ or (cigarette? or cigar? or tobacco).mp.

1 not 2

limit 3 to (yr="2015 -Current" and "humans only (removes records about animals)")

Launch Search


Primary: Michael Fanning

Secondary: Charlotte Viken

Review Date: 2024-05-08

Expiry Date: 2025-05-08

Original search produced by:

Ovid Training Team


OvidGO! Portal. Focused Searches: Smoke Inhalation Injury - Ovid MEDLINE [Internet]. London (UK): Ovid Training Team (Editors); 2024 [updated 25 October 2024; cited 30 October 2024]. Available from: