Ovid Communications
Product Releases

Bates’ Visual Guide Updates and Enhancements

Dear Bates' Visual Guide customer,

We're excited to announce that Bates’ Visual Guide to Physical Examination is undergoing some significant updates and improvements and we invite you to a first look at these enhancements!

This summer, we'll release an all new Bates’ Visual Guide to Physical Examination, including:

  • Two hours of new content, addressing customer requests for more coverage of pathology and special maneuvers, as well as physical examination of pregnant patients
  • An increased commitment to diversity and inclusion, showing a more diverse range of patients
  • A more consistent, streamlined, and modern presentation of the Physical Examination videos, for better student engagement and efficient learning
  • A whole new platform with a cleaner, more modern interface, improved navigation, and progressive web app for mobile use.

As a current customer, you'll receive all of these enhancements as part of your continued subscription at no additional cost.

While the official release won't be until later this year, we invite you to try out our beta release now and let us know how it compares to the existing site. Sign up here to be contacted with limited time beta login credentials and see what you have to look forward to! Please share this email or direct sign-up link with your faculty and students.

Thanks, and we look forward to continuing to provide you with the resources your students and trainees need to provide the best patient care.

If you have any questions, your local Ovid representative will be glad to help. Feel free to reach out to your account representative or contact the team at [email protected].


The Wolters Kluwer - Ovid Team

Tags: Bates’ Visual Guide,