Ovid Communications
Database Reloads

Ovid MEDLINE Reload Scheduled

Dear Ovid MEDLINE Customer:

The Ovid MEDLINE ® (MEDL) is being reloaded. We expect it to be live on Monday, February 28, 2022. Alerts will run on Saturday, February 26, 2022 prior to the reload.
The reload will implement the 2022 MeSH and includes the annual MEDLINE update. In addition, Ovid has made the following change:

Changed Field: Journal Subset (SB)
The NLM has discontinued their Journal Subset (SB) limits for MEDLINE/PubMed with the 2022 reload, with the exception of “index medicus.sb.” and “oldmedline citations.sb.”. All other “.sb” searches will stop functioning after the reload, as the NLM has removed all other SB indexing from the database. We strongly recommend that you review your search strategies if you used the Journal Subset (SB) field.

Changed Limit: Journal Subset
The Journals Subset limit is also affected by the above mentioned change. However for the Journals Subset limits Ovid does have the ability to replace them and ensure existing Ovid search strategies and alerts don’t break when they use any of these limits. The new limits are based on NLM Catalog searches using matching MeSH terms and title words for these subject areas. Please note the new limits and the ensuing results don’t compare to the old NLM versions, so we strongly recommend that you review your search strategies if you used the Journal Subset limits.

New limits

  • Behavioral Sciences Journals
  • Cardiology Journals
  • Epidemiology & Infectious Diseases Journals
  • Pharmacology Journals
  • Public Health Journals
  • Radiology Journals
  • Surgery Journals
  • Genetics or Genomics Journals
  • HTA and Computing Methodology Journals

Changed limits

Old Name New Name
Consumer Health Journals Consumer Health /Health Education Journals
Core Clinical Journals (AIM) Core Clinical Journals (AIM: Discontinued in 2020)
Foreign Journals International Journals
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Journals Space and Aerospace Medicine Journals
Population Information Citations Population Characteristics Journals


Deleted limits
History of Medicine Journals non Index Medicus

Feel free to contact Customer Support with any questions by sending an email to [email protected].


Wolters Kluwer – Ovid

Tags: MEDLINE,Ovid,